Friday, May 12

juega bonita

I finally finished reading Shantaram yesterday. I am no literary authority to write a review about this book. All I can say is, it's a book that has potential to change your life. The friend who lent me this book said, "if you like travelling, you will like this book". It is not a travelogue by any standards. What he meant was that if I enjoyed letting my mind wander and giving my imagination a free rein, I'd really appreciate Shantaram. And I so did. It made me fall in love with Bombay all over again.

There is a line from the book that stayed with me.

"Every human heartbeat is a universe of possibilities."

The line is open to different interpretations and I'll leave you to yours.

All I can say is, to me, the line signifies hope and a world beyond our immediate reality.

Wednesday, May 3

thought for the day - 2

"A single death is a tragedy,
a million deaths is a statistic"

- Joseph Stalin

This line really struck me because of it's profound truth.
Suryanarayan. Jessica Lall. We know these names and we've probably sent smses to show solidarity with their families.

And you know the other side of the story.

Take time out each day to read a little about our Indian military.
Bharat Rakshak is a good start.