Friday, May 12

juega bonita

I finally finished reading Shantaram yesterday. I am no literary authority to write a review about this book. All I can say is, it's a book that has potential to change your life. The friend who lent me this book said, "if you like travelling, you will like this book". It is not a travelogue by any standards. What he meant was that if I enjoyed letting my mind wander and giving my imagination a free rein, I'd really appreciate Shantaram. And I so did. It made me fall in love with Bombay all over again.

There is a line from the book that stayed with me.

"Every human heartbeat is a universe of possibilities."

The line is open to different interpretations and I'll leave you to yours.

All I can say is, to me, the line signifies hope and a world beyond our immediate reality.