...different things to different people and I hate giving explanations but it made too much sense to me to post this on my blog.
1. ... Thanks, for everything.
I may not be a call away like I promised I'd always be, I may not be there when you need me. We're almost in different worlds now. You are always on my mind. Thanks for being such an awfully bitter memory, that I can't forget you even if I tried. :P Trust me, you are something else.
2. ... Happy Birthday.
It's not like I've ever seen you but I feel like I know you. There's a reason that's a cliche. 'Cos it's true. Anyway, I feel terrible for not being the first one to wish you like I promised myself I would. I hope you have the best year ever! I guess I've already thanked you for every single thing you did and everything you're going to do for me in the next 50 years. :) So...
3. ...Sorry.
That was the only thing left to say other than Best of Luck and I probably owe a million people a million apologies for every selfishly insensitive thing I've done and for all the promises I seem to have broken.
I took a psychometric test this morning to "understand what the perfect career" was for me. I know the impracticality of these tests is too much to ignore. They usually tell you what you already know or confuse you into taking 5 more tests just to see if the results vary. I scored shamefully low on compassion, politeness and patience. Apparently(and thank God for it), I'm not "fit" for Customer Care positions. Anyway, I apologise profusely to everyone who's been affected by my lack of those wonderful personality traits. They're just words to me and I'm going to try and convince myself that the test was flawed.
Why do Mondays do this to me???